Matt and I are joking that Nate will become a chef when he grows up. If we are in the kitchen without him he will begin to scream until one of us picks him up, brings him in, and lets him watch whatever we are doing. I was trying to catch up on home housework the other day as Matt cooked and that meant no free hand to hold Nate. So, to appease the child we rolled his high chair into the kitchen and he was as happy as a clam. I will still put him in the Moby wrap when I cook and he loves it! The other morning he helped me cook pancakes. Afterwards, he chowed down on his pancake and decided to save some for later. As I went to change his diaper a little later on, the child had chunks of pancake that had somehow fallen in his pjs. It's hard being a baby.
He was a huge fan -- can you tell?
On Friday Nate felt a little nostalgic and decided that he wanted to play in his old vibrating, bouncy seat. I put him in it and turned it on. He had a blast!
Big enough now to really make it bounce!
After eating his baby food for lunch today, my big eater decided that he wanted some of my lunch --Taco Bell. I have him a few bites of the beef and cheese from my Mexican Pizza and he chowed down. He also ate some blueberries for dessert!
He ate the blueberries after polishing off the taco meat.
Blueberry and taco face!
Now here are a few of my favorite shots from 2011. Happy New Year everyone!!