As the song by Jack Johnson goes, "It's always better when we're together."

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Pumpkins, pumpkins everywhere!

Last weekend Matt and I took Nate to the pumpkin patch. They had a corn maze, bouncy houses, a tractor ride, and a train ride. We had a pretty good time. Nate was a little scared of the train (it was a lawn mower pulling train cars) but we did manage to get a few pictures and a few pumpkins. He was more into the pumpkin patch this year. Being the great parents that we are the camera was out and ready to go, but we left it at home. So, here are a few shots courtesy of our cell phones!

 Matt and Nate

Nate and me

Nate was excited to see the bunny! 

He even got brave enough to pet the bunny! 

Picking pumpkins!!

My blogging has fallen behind a little, but we are hoping to take Nate to Orlando soon. If we make it there should be plenty of pictures and blogging to come!