As the song by Jack Johnson goes, "It's always better when we're together."

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Minimal tears were shed...

Nate started daycare this past week and it was very hard for me to leave him. I kept thinking about all of the time we had together over the past 5 months and how he was going to change so much while I was away at work. I was going to miss hanging out with him, feeding him, listening to him laugh and talk, and all of the other fun things we would do together in a day; but, on the other hand, I was going back to work. I was going to make new friends, get out of the house for awhile, and teach. I prepared myself as best as I could for last Monday and guess what? We survived! Nate was extremely happy Monday morning (even though I had to wake him up!) and when we walked in to his room he was smiling and ready to play. 

Nate ready to go on his first day of daycare!

He was smiling and talking to me the whole morning!

He sat at the table and was playing with the other kids as I was putting away his supplies. He was so cute! Then, another 'new to daycare' mom came in to leave her little girl. She was also a teacher and it was her child's first time to be in daycare as well. I had someone to bond with! I will admit that I did shed a few tears Monday and Tuesday, but they were minimal! Nate got a great note from his teacher and over the course of the week, I became a little more comfortable leaving him. It also helped knowing there was another mom right there in my shoes. We would chat in the mornings as we left the kiddos and the time away from him flew by. I missed him horribly while he was in daycare, but overall he seemed very happy.

My goal this year is to be as productive as possible during the school day so that I can leave as early as possible to go pick him up! I hate the fact that he's there for 9 - 9.5 hours a day, but I'm going to be sure and enjoy the time we do have together.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Sweet Home Alabama

Nate and I traveled back to Alabama for a few days last week. We had a fun time and Nate got to meet a lot of new people! He did very well for his first plane ride and adjusted to his new surroundings at my parents house quickly. We flew in on Saturday and the adventure began!

Nate at the terminal for his first plane ride!

The plane!

Nate got to meet my grandmother. (and Bella)

He started falling asleep at her house every night so I dressed him in his pjs before going down there!

He found her bed very comfy!

On Sunday we took a trip to the Tennessee Aquarium with Jeffery, Chanlee, and Indiana. Nate liked looking at all the fish!

Nate also got a kick out of Indiana's swing! We're going to have to get him one.

He loved it so much he fell asleep in there a few times!

My dad came home from work one day as we were going outside and Nate got to sit in the bucket truck!

He liked hanging out with my dad!

Nate also liked sitting in my dad's recliner!

Happy baby! 

He hung out some with Uncle Jeffery.

It just so happened that we were in town at the same time as Indy's first birthday party. We partied hard with Indy and Nate got to meet a few more people!

Indy had a pirate themed birthday. This is the cake that Chanlee and I made. 

 The birthday boy! He was too busy to pose for pictures!

Nate took a liking to my uncle, Randy, while we were up there. He hung out with Randy a lot at the party!

Indy loved his smash cake!

The party was at the Falls and Nate was very interested in the falling water. I couldn't get him to turn around for anything!

My grandmother, Nate, and me!

My dad, grandmother, and Nate.

This child never slows down! This was the best shot I could get of him in his birthday outfit.

Indy and my dad are big buds!

At the airport in Jacksonville after arriving home.

Nate was such a trooper on our trip! His days were packed with lots of things to do and people to play with. He was awake during take off and landing on the ride back, but slept for the ride. When we landed he was in a great mood and hung out while we waited on our luggage. It was lightning within a 3 mile radius of the airport so we had to wait for that to pass before they would take the luggage off the plane. We had a great time visiting with people, but I know Matt was glad for us to be home! Nate was excited to see his daddy and they played for awhile Monday night. Now it's time to settle in for a new routine. While I was out of town I got a call offering me a job. I will be teaching third grade this fall. I'm excited, but a little nervous. I've never taught third grade so it will be a new experience for me. Also, I'm a little (more like a lot) sad that I have to put Nate in daycare. He'll do fine, but I'm sad that our summer is quickly coming to an end! Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

It's bananas! B-A-N-A-N-A-S!

We have entered the world of whole foods. Nate was given the green light at his four month check up (yes, I know he's almost five months now) to eat fruits. I can add in vegetables in a few weeks when he hits five months. He was not so crazy about apples, but we have found a hit with bananas. He now gets food three times a day! My little man is growing up so fast! 

 Waiting patiently

 Bracing for impact

 Not a huge fan of the bitter apples

 Not so eager for the next bite

He fought the spoon a little 

Glad it's over